Top Featured Artist

Kathleen McSherry

Reclaimed Brilliance: Art of Renewal by Kathleen McSherry by Viviana Puello.In the enchanting world of art, where creativity meets ingenuity, Kathleen McSherry stands out as a masterful artist whose work reclaims and reinvents discarded materials. Her ability to...

Johanna Wray

Compassionate Realism: A Deep Dive into African Connection Series by Johanna Wray by Viviana Puello.Johanna Wray's latest collection, the "African Connection" series, stands as a testament to compassionate realism. This body of work, a labor of love spanning three...

Julie Davidson

Profound Connections: Artistic Journey by Julie Davidson by Viviana Puello.Julie Davidson's artworks stand out as a vibrant celebration of the unseen currents that flow beneath the surface of our perception. Her pastel pieces, unique in their rich symbolism and...

John Nieman

Vivid Contradictions: A Bright Complex of John Nieman by Viviana Puello. In John Nieman's extraordinary and ever-changing world, the blend of vibrancy and poignant narratives holds a mirror to the everyday with a twist of the exceptional. This artist's remarkable...

Dida Andr

Dida Andr,'s Enigmatic Harmony by Viviana Puello.Dida Andr emerges as a beacon of ecological and aesthetic art, captivating audiences with her compelling vision of a harmonious community. Her works, mainly her manipulated photographs and digital art, are imbued with a...

Silke Wolff silk Pop Art

Vibrant Essence: A Journey Through Supernatural Art by Silke Wolff by Viviana Puello. Silke Wolff's latest works are a testament to her unique approach to vibrant expressionism, showcased through her distinctive silk Pop Art. The three pieces, "Para Juvenation,"...

Shu-ya Hsu

The Symphony of Artistry: A Journey Through Life's Melodies by Shu-ya Hsu by Viviana Puello.In Shu-ya Hsu's vibrant and expressive world, art becomes a harmonious symphony, a melody woven through her life experiences, passions, and memories. Her artwork, rich with...

Monika Bendner

Red Rose Wonders: A Mesmerizing Journey of Artistic Vision by Monika Bendner by Viviana Puello.Monika Bendner's art is a unique and captivating celebration of nature's beauty, particularly her interpretation of the rose. As an ATIM Top Featured Artist, Bendner's work...

Theodoros Nikolaidis

Artistic Alchemy: The Transformative Brilliance of Theodoros Nikolaidis by Viviana Puello.In the ever-evolving realm of contemporary art, few artists manage to capture the essence of both tradition and innovation as compellingly as Theodoros Nikolaidis. Known as "the...

Joel Shapses

Exquisite Harmony: Sculpting Emotional Resonance by Joel Shapses by Viviana Puello."Relection" Resin Casting by Joel Shapses.Joel Shapses is an artist whose work goes beyond visual aesthetics and ventures into the realm of emotional resonance and intellectual...

Heinz Marzohl

Mystical Masterpieces: Spiritual Transformations in Art by HEINZ MARZOHL by Viviana Puello.HEINZ MARZOHL is an artist whose works encapsulate a fascinating play with colors and touching picture stories that evoke memories, inspirations, and dreams. His paintings are...

Jane Gottlieb

Radiant Dimensions: Vivid Worlds of Color and Form by Jane Gottlieb by Viviana Puello.Jane Gottlieb's art radiates a vibrant allure that captures the essence of radiant dimensions through her masterful use of color and form. Her work invites viewers into a fantastical...


Enchanting Vibrance: The Captivating Beauty of Nature by Kramer. by Viviana Puello.In the vibrant world of fine art, few artists manage to capture the delicate essence of nature as vividly as Michèle Kramer, who has the artistic name "Kramer." Her latest collection, a...

Deborah Leigh

Visionary Realms: Exploring Surreal Fantasies by Deborah Leigh by Viviana Puello.In the vibrant realm of contemporary art, Deborah Leigh's works shine with a unique exploration of color, form, and the limitless depths of the subconscious, setting her apart from the...

Toti Cuesta

Ethereal Synchronicity: Harmonious blend of natural elements by Toti Cuesta by Viviana Puello.Toti Cuesta's artwork is a unique exploration of the symbiotic relationship between humanity and the natural world. Her mesmerizing blend of surrealism and environmental...

Rod Cusic

Cosmic Synthesis: Bridging Reality and the Mystique of the Cosmos by Rod Cusic by Viviana Puello. Embarking on a journey through the cosmic landscapes of Cosmic Synthesis, one is surrounded by a vast panorama that connects the physical world with the cosmic mystery....

AngelsView Light Art Photography

 Emerging Visions: Luminous Intertwine by AngelsView Light Art Photography by Viviana Puello.In contemporary art, light is used as a tool to create stunning displays of color, motion, and emotion on the dark canvas of the night. Amongst these works, AngelsView Light...

Roland Ruocco

Artistic Convergence: Visions of Clarity and Complexity by Roland Ruocco by Viviana Puello.In the realm of contemporary art, it's a rarity to encounter an artist like Roland Ruocco. His body of work not only reflects the harsh realities of our time but also captures...

Terry Golletz

Emotional Alchemy: Canvas Whispers by Terry Golletz by Viviana Puello. Art, in its most captivating forms, has the power to stir souls and inspire minds.  Terry Golletz's latest collection stands as a vivid testament to this enduring truth.  Golletz's works are the...

Bruce Schuettinger

Eloquent Symphony of Wood: The Artistry Craftsmanship by Bruce Schuettinger by Viviana Puello.Bruce Schuettinger's works stand as a testament to the harmonious marriage of artistry and craftsmanship in the eloquent dance of form and abstraction. One is enraptured by...

Leigh Witherell

Soulful Narratives: The Poignant Artistry of Leigh Witherell by Viviana Puello. Immersing oneself in Leigh Witherell's art is akin to entering a realm where each brushstroke tells a tale and every hue hums with emotion. This soulful narrative is the hallmark of...

Paul Gregoire

Visceral Allegories:  Deep Primal Narratives of Paul Gregoire by Viviana Puello.In the realm of modern art, where raw emotion intertwines with profound narratives, "Visceral Allegories" emerges as a thematic cradle that encapsulates Paul Gregoire's oeuvre.  This...

Andrea Berthel

Conscious Narratives: Dialogues in Hyperrealism of Andrea Berthel by Viviana Puello. In a world saturated with visual stimuli, Andrea Berthel's artwork offers not only a feast for the eyes but a resonant commentary that beckons deeper reflection.  Her oeuvre's...

Frank Hoeffler

Chromatic Narratives: An Art Vivid Journey of Frank Hoeffler by Viviana Puello.In the vibrant world of contemporary art, Frank Hoeffler emerges as a captivating symphony of color and form, a testament to the emotional depth and versatility of modern expression. His...

Fari Ali

Spiritual-Nature Essence: A Journey Through Vivid Realms of Fari Ali by Viviana Puello.In an extraordinary showcase of expressionism, artist Fari Ali captures more than just images; they seize the very essence of her subjects, rendering them with a spirituality that...


Vibrant Resonance: A Symphony of Emotion and Color of Gayle Printz by Viviana Puello. Gayle Printz is an artist who breaks free from the conventional to create a world replete with emotional resonance and perceptual engagement.  Her work is not confined to one genre;...


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