In 2012, Brazilian photographer Luiz Todeschi left behind a career in business administration to dedicate himself full-time to photography. Since that time, his masterful work has garnered him acclaim around the world. His photographs have been exhibited in Brazil, the United States, France, and Italy, among other countries.
They have garnered accolades that include Certificate of Honor to Artistic Merit by Artetra Artistas Associados Italy during the Art Paris Event; APAVE Contest Portraits of Brazilian Nature (2013, 2014, 2015, and 2017); Photo Team Romania’s Decisive Moment in Eastern Europe 2015; and Certificate of Excellence – 31st Aravita online art contest 2019 in San Diego, California, USA.
Throughout it all, Todeschi has stayed true to the guiding philosophies of his passion. Among them the idea that
“The magic of photography is precisely to believe that what we are recording is something that has been presented only to us. When we become instruments of photography and art we feel with the heart and preconceived cultural and social values.”
This combination of ineffable uniqueness and a sense of collectiveness permeates his newest work. The piercing illumination in “Element Earth Flame Violet,” for example, emphasizes the singularity of each leaf—indeed, of each leaflet—that comprises it. Yet, this does not detract from the aggregate plant but rather accentuates the complex interactions between the part and whole.
This theme binds this work to other recent photographs such as the dynamic “Kanaro” with its parrot seamlessly blending in with its environment, even as it takes center stage, as well as “Red River” with its vivid blending of solid, liquid, and gas. In this sense, these works become a microcosm of ourselves and our planet.
This unique mélange is no accident, but a purposeful exploration. As Todeschi states, “I am a true seeker of self-knowledge, of constant learning, of the expansion of consciousness and of service to others. We can do so much better. My desire really is to see the people of our country and our planet, as well as Mother Nature, being treated with respect.”
These principles, in addition to the exultant works that derive from them, give voice to his claim as one of the foremost voices for our planet and its unfathomable depths of individual collectiveness.
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