2013 Summer Issue
This edition of ATIM is packed with articles that are focusing on exposing what great works we have found around the world, both during our travels and during our collaborations with various galleries, artists and curators. We journeyed to Portugal and were able to visit the incredible Casa-Museu Teixeira Lopes, in the very heart of Gaia, in which we saw the astounding works of the master sculptor, and have presented to you within these pages, providing an article on the solo exhibition of Paulo Teixeira Lopes.
We also have exclusive content on the Canadian “Peterborough in Portraits” exhibition, along with great photographic exposure of the NYC “Crossing People” exhibition (at the Rio Gallery), and the “Limitless Expressions II” exhibition (at the Studio Vogue Gallery in Canada) – both of which ATIM was present for and helped to organize this past June. They were incredible expos, rife with an electric, kinetic energy of exchanged inspiration as the artists and the public worked and spoke in synchrony.
This edition also features exclusive content, such as an interview with the brilliant Japanese fashion designer, Shinshiro Mizunio, whose elegant kimono-styles dresses are taking the art world by storm – and information on the 2013 Performing Arts Marathon in NYC, which is a theatrical phenomenon not to be missed! We also will be providing thrilling insights and special material focusing on Michael Dumas and Suzanne Duncan, whose breath-taking works made it to the front and back covers (respectively) of our Top 60 Masters of Contemporary Art 2013 Catalogue!
Speaking of which, this sought-after, much-anticipated catalogue, which amasses sixty modern artists and provides interviews, biographies and essays on their works and achievements, is still available through ATIM! Hurry and grab your copy while you still can; it is a rich magazine that introduces readers to a plethora of influential talent the world over!
We are also proud to reveal to the world the launch of our video exhibition of the Top 60 Masters of Contemporary Art, curated by Viviana Puello and Alan Grimandi, featuring presentations of guest masters, Fabian Perez and Belarmino Miranda! This collective includes rare video interviews, clips of the exhibitions, and behind the scenes glimpses of the artists in action, exclusively brought to you by ATIM!
Yes, it is an amazing time for us here at ATIM – the collaborations, the endeavors, the anticipation of the future and what is to come… and we are glad that you are here to share the journey with us!
Cody La Vada, Resident Writer/Managing Editor, NY.
Art on our cover by Raul Cantú: “Mariposa”, High Speed photography.
Art on our back cover by Paulo Teixeira Lopes: “Ying” Mixed media on canvas.

Viviana Puello
Editor-in-Chief ArtTour International Magazine